Near the tail end of a historic season, we pitched the Islanders some deeply moving campaign ideas. Sandwiched between two campaigns was this humble little video, a thank-you to the Isles’ diehard fans. It was meant to be a palate cleanser. It became their playoff campaign.
Director: Max Paolucci
Designer: Justin Spinozzi
Mr. Harvey moved to Los Angeles, but wanted his viewers to know he was still the same old Steve. So we developed key art and messaging for the third season of his relocated show. The 5 o’clock shadow grew in, the tagline stayed (mostly) intact, and we learned some great life lessons along the way.
Partner: PJ Crisanti
Built from the merger of Philadelphia University and Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson is redrawing the limits of higher ed to deliver an education built for the 21st century. So how do you introduce the world to a new University built from the combined 328-year legacy of two institutions? With a massive OOH campaign and an 80+ page viewbook.
Campaign Design: PJ Crisanti, Lindsey Tweed
Viewbook Concept: PJ Crisanti
Viewbook Design: Justin Spinozzi
Sometimes things get out of hand at agency happy hour and you buy a 33-wiener hot dog roller and you decide to write and design a brand for it in your down time. The only missing link is the actual product. If you know a wiener guy, HMU.
Logo Development: Courtney Brown
Truck Design: Juliann Gates